Wednesday, May 31, 2006

apparently today is just a photo blogging day

Lookit! My sister Hannah got a new bike! It's her second one, and totally hot.

Oooooh, pretty...

Hanya! ...

Dad looking silly because that bike is way too small! ...

Older pic of dad to illustrate how cool he looks on his (much larger) bike. I love my dad, he's such a bad ass. ;) ...

They're much cooler than i am. :D


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

packing extravaganza

man, packing is like a scavenger hunt you didn't sign up for. you're just trying to get all your shit together but you keep getting sidetracked by all the random shit you "find."

case in point: the cd with all of kate's pictures of me from when i was the subject of her photo story last year. (I'm not that interesting as to warrant an entire project, but her first idea fell through, so i was just helping her out.) On it, there's a really neat picture of me driving the CADILLAC, SUCKAS. I'm not riding on 22s, but i like the lighting in it.

Doesn't that angle make the steering wheel look HUGE?! i know it was the land yacht, but still.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Someone needs to write a script for the latest Everest drama that's going on.

Act 1. Double amputee Mark Inglis start climbing Everest. Everyone is really excited, frostbitten, tired etc.

Act 2. Amputee and co. get near top, pass a dying man -- David Sharp -- decide that there's nothing that can be done except give him some oxygen and leave him to die. Around the same time, another man -- Lincoln Hall -- is left for dead by his sherpas who run out of oxygen. American (FUCK YEAH) climber Dan Mazur abandons his hike to the top and tries to help dying guy.

Act 3. Amputee reaches top of mountain. Presumably jumps up and down, does the tootsie roll. David Sharp dies. It's reported that Lincoln Hall dies.

Act 4. Amputee comes down the mountain and everyone questions the ethical dilemma of the "leaving the dead man" situation.

Act 5. Turns out the SECOND DEAD GUY IS NOT ACTUALLY DEAD. (* for dramatic effect, he's come back to life as a zombie with the soul of the first (actually) dead guy (Sharp) and has come for revenge on Inglis.)

Act 6. Zombie-body-Hall-with-the-soul-of-Sharp teams up with the Abominable Snowman, snowboards down mountain and plans to kill everyone in Inglis' climbing group, saving Inglis for last and robbing him of his two remaining limbs, after which the Snowman will bite his head off.

Act 7-16. Ensuing scenes: Death, death, death, lunch, death, death, death, afternoon tea (Sharp is British), death, quick shower.

Fonvielle's great idea for the tagline:

"They had to reach the top of the world ... before they FACED THE DEPTHS OF HELL."


you KNOW you'd totally watch it

schwindle: it's the latest fox reality show
schwindle: Real World: Journalism
rhymeandreason72: put 8, 9, 10, 11 friends in a house and tape what happens, when they start getting real AND ARE JUST AT WORK ALL DAY AND DRINK OCCASIONALLY
rhymeandreason72: "i don't CARE about the new zoning regulations, James ate my pizza and i NEED TO GET DRUNK"
schwindle: "fuck parking lots 2 and 5 and fuck you too!!"
rhymeandreason72: haha
rhymeandreason72: "your mother is a non-voting SUV driver! YEAH I SAID IT"
schwindle: "motherfucker, if you eat all the PB & J again, I'll be all over you like Kleinschmidt on Carolina North"

[yeah, we know we're losers.]


Monday, May 29, 2006

Public Service Announcement

It's been brought to my attn that more than one person thinks i use rhymeandreason because of dave freakin' matthews.

Not true.

Yes, they have that song, but it's more of a beastie boys/sublime thing. Give me some credit here, people.


Saturday, May 27, 2006


If anything, go see X3 this weekend just for this:

Bad. Ass.

Oh, and go see it because it's breaking records. And because it's a fun movie.


A little emo news from Germany ...

"Lovesick swan falls in love with a paddleboat"

BERLIN - A swan has fallen in love with a plastic swan-shaped paddle boat on a pond in the German town of Muenster and has spent the past three weeks flirting with the vessel five times its size, a sailing instructor said Friday.

Peter Overschmidt, who operates a sailing school and rents the two-seat paddle boat on the Aasee pond, said the black swan with a bright red beak has not left the white swan boat's side since it flew in one day in early May.

"It seems like he's fallen in love," said Overschmidt. "He protects it, sits next to it all the time and chases away any sail boats that get anywhere nearby. He thinks the boat is a strong and attractive swan."

Isn't that sad?! And so adorable. Poor lil swan.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

Have 5 minutes? Then do these things.

Step one. Watch the Superman Returns trailer.

Step two. Watch "Sony's E3 presentation in 1 minute."

Step three. Watch Lex Luther/Kaz Hirai YTMND.

Tee hee.




It's so tiny! Eeee!


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Licensed to Thrill

New bond trailer --- Casino Royale

Ok. So Daniel Craig has had some bumps in the road to becoming the new Bond. He lost a tooth in a fight sequence. Then ... they found out he couldn't drive a stick. Then they found out he couldn't ... play poker?

But who cares, because I am a believer that he can pull it off. I had read about the "controversy" before, and there's even a site dedicated to the Craig-hate, but over spring break -- at a friend's insistence that once i saw "Layer Cake" i'd be hooked -- i saw him in action, and fuck the haters, he's got this on lock down. He's also really hot.

(don't worry boys, the bond girl is stunning, as always.)

Also, i don't really dig the quasi-speedo look, but i guess it's a european thing? Whatever. Movie should be fun. And look at the craignotbond site. It's funny that people are SO angry over a movie franchise.


"Your attraction to Jack Bauer in no way affects your sexual orientation."

Top 100 jack bauer facts

If everyone on "24" followed Jack Bauer's instructions, it would be called "12".

In 96 hours, Jack Bauer has killed 93 people and saved the world 4 times. What the fuck have you done with your life?

Don't ever ask Jack Bauer what is going on. He'll EXPLAIN IN THE CAR.

Jack Bauer once killed so many terrorists that at one point, the #5 CIA Most Wanted fugitive was an 18-year-old teenager in Malaysia who downloaded the movie Dodgeball.

Jack Bauer was able to eliminate Bird Flu playing Duck Hunt.

Jack Bauer once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.

Finding Nemo would have been vastly more exciting had Jack Bauer been looking for him.

If Jack Bauer was the head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles, T.O. would have shut the fuck up and just played.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006


DAMMIT 24. Thanks a lot. Thanks for having (mostly) everything wrap up into a neat little package, and RIGHT before jack and audrey are about to go (finally) get it on, the motherfucking chinese show up and chloroform jack and throw him on a BOAT headed to SHANGHAI as they proceed to beat him to within an inch of his life.


[although really, i know all will be fine, jack wil hang out in a chinese gulag/prison/something for a few months until curtis comes to save him and then he will proceed to kill every guard with a pair of chopsticks and the shirt off his back. it'll be ok.]

Monday, May 22, 2006

tee hee!

Married to the Sea: Listening Tax


"A comedy 3,000 years in the making..."

Oh, internets. 10 Things I Hate About Commandments

Also, since there's never been such an opportune time to mention it before, i LOVE Yul Brynner.


Saturday, May 20, 2006


disclaimer: I realize some people think it's stupid to post AIM convos on the blog. That's fine. Really, having a blog to post on in the first place is stupid. And i'm just too lazy to rewrite what is already contextually funny in a convo snippet.

Dmalloy9: The guy who plays Bill Buchanan is also a renowned yoga instructor who teaches a high-energy class in Hollywood 2-3 times a week. That's right, you can take yoga with the former head of CTU! I'm telling you, this is the weirdest city on the planet.
rhymeandreason72: OMG
rhymeandreason72: we have to find out where that class is
rhymeandreason72: WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME
Dmalloy9: buchanan, i gotta make sure my chi is set before i go after henderson
Dmalloy9: downward facing dog, NOW


Friday, May 19, 2006

Love this guy

People aren't lovin' da vinci code

Ian McKellen, an openly gay actor who plays Leigh Teabing in The Da Vinci Code, tried to make light of the controversy.

"I'm very happy to believe that Jesus was married," he said. "I know the Catholic Church has problems with gay people and I thought this would be absolute proof that Jesus was not gay."


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hypnotic Box Office

Still in Charlotte. We have HBO in Charlotte. I ended up watching a weird movie with Colin Farrell called "A Home at the end of the world." Maybe. I don't care enough to look it up. It was... okay. It was one of those movies that you finish watching to the end just because you have to. He's basically an orphan that's gay that grows up to maybe not be gay, and his baby-momma ends of leaving with the baby and his friend/boyfriend/ whatever may be dying but they never tell us anaything. so who cares.

and then i guess HBO was having a "colin farrell in roles of questionale sexuality" marathon, as "Alexander" was on next. I figure what the hell, i love movies about Greek history, and i heard it was AWFUL, but i'll prolly just dose off anyway. (Movie started at 3:10)

WRONG. Wrong. i was SO wrong, and everyone that said the movie sucked was SO RIGHT. It was cheesy, he looks stupid with blond hair, they had awful child actors, the plot jumped around with ill-timed and totally unwarranted flashbacks. I don't even know how i watched as long as I did. I just felt the need to keep watching, like maybe, JUST MAYBE it was going to become more tolerable. WRONG. He's pretty and all, but, just, NO.

also: More friends have blogs!!!! Jim(the Quick) and Fonvielle (is to blogging what Pol Pot was to agriculture) are worth reading. Artz desk, represent.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Home sweet home

So I'm in charlotte, and my parents have had the house on the market. (They actually sold it on friday, woot.) But in order to clear up some space, they moved a LOT of stuff. Including all but one TV, VCR, and dvd player. And the VCR is broken.

So around rolls Monday night. We have.
a. 2-hour Grey's finale
b. Prison Break finale
c. 24 epi
d. the stupid president pushing everything back (except for abc...) dad wanting to watch 2 1/2 men.

Since the VCR is broken and all, i'm having to use torrents at home. Which is fine, but a bit annoying.

Here's the fun facts i've just determined though:

Memory left on the C drive: 2.9 G
Memory left on the D drive: 4 G

on the family computer, there are 132 G of memory available on the C drive alone!!!! This is crazy to me. How does my laptop even function of a day-to-day basis?


Friday, May 12, 2006


750-pound hammerhead shark caught off the coast of Boca Grande, FL.

Fuck yes.



But he can rock the DDR. Come on now.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Now get your 7-foot-2 asthmatic ass BACK HERE!"

Robot Chicken is the best: their version of the post-death-star destruction phone call from Vader to the Emperor.

"Who's THEY?! What the hell is an aluminium falcon?!"

From McSweeneys: Further evidence that SportsCenter has lost all connection to reality.

And thanks to Schwind, who misses Gary and is apparently bored at work, we now know that the Pit Preacher has his own Wiki entry, as well as a gallery on ibiblio. (the "Hustle" pic is the best.)


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It was even funnier when all she would play was jock jams.

schwindle: and the chorus is about 20 minutes long and she sings along with the whole thing
schwindle: so I hear "you had a bad day"
schwindle: about 20 times
schwindle: and all I can think is, "I wouldn't be having one if you'd shut the fuck up"


Sorry "Wii," the princess is in another castle. A more normal and awesome and less ridiculously named castle.

Things that are good to know:

1. Sony has officially announced that
a. the PS3 will be ready for a Nov. 17 release
b. prices will be $499 for 20G and $599 for a 60G. (don't forget it has the fun blu-ray dvd capabilities)
c. it has a special little tilt controller. i'm sure it's nothing as cool as nintendo's new shebang, but a step in the right direx, nonetheless.***
d. it's totally pretty. (yes this is old news)

*** ok, brandon had a few choice words on the PS3 for me: :)

Brandino500: dude you don't even know about the ps3; their e3 conference SUCKED and they _blatantly_ ripped off of nintendo, and then had the balls to claim their controller tilt shit as innovation
Brandino500: everyone on the internet was laughing at them
Brandino500: yeah.. but sony's tilt thing is just plain insulting imo. they delayed the console to implement it, and in the videos of the press conference, it's HORRIBLY designed and doesn't work very well, and has no detection of place, only actual tilt. so basically it's a copy of the old microsoft sidewinder controller.
Brandino500: I mean there was a commentary thread to go along with the press conference and it had to be closed because it was full of people laughing at sony

2. Nintendo, which also changed the name of the new system from Revolution (awesome) to Wii (as in "we" as in "like everybody doesn't already understand that we're totally excited about the wifi and multiplayer gaming options here." stupid.), is going to have the system ready for Christmas, but doesn't have a price ready or a steady date yet. E3 *officially* starts Wednesday, so mayyyybe that'll change soon?

Whatever. Wii is still a stupid name.

Things that are ... just ... happening.


Ok. Maybe she really loves K-fed. Maybe she just wants to have the babies all back to back to back so she only really has to lose the baby weight once. I don't know. All i know is that i saw a picture the other day of K-fed standing on a freaking MASERATI and it made me angry because i would kill to own one of those and i would respect that freaking car BY NOT STANDING ON IT AND GRABBING MY NUTS.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I am really not that emo.

hrk2003: you are too emo for your own good
hrk2003: but maybe we all are
hrk2003: blog about that, moore


Best. Headline. Ever.

Flying robot attack "unstoppable"

(and no, they're not talking about the new Transformers movie. which doesn't come out till fucking 2007. Stupid Michael Bay.)


People are stupid

HAH! David Blaine fails

I don't usually enjoy laughing at the misery of others, but fuck that guy.

Seriously. Gonna spend a week underwater and then try and hold your breath for 9 minutes. DON'T YOU HAVE SOMETHING MORE PRODUCTIVE (or, uh, "magical") TO BE DOING!?!


Sunday, May 07, 2006

"Dude, dolphins are intelligent and friendly."

Dolphins 'know each other's names'

This isn't groundbreaking news, but it's neat. And dolphins make me happy. :D

In the study some of the Sarasota Bay animals were corralled in a net. The researchers then played synthetic versions of the signature whistles of other dolphins through underwater loudspeakers to see if they would evoke a response in the captive animals. The use of synthetic whistles ruled out the possibility that the animals might simply be recognising the sound of each other’s voices.

They found that dolphins responded strongly to the whistles of their relatives and associates while generally ignoring those of dolphins to whom they had no link.

Janik said: “Bottlenose dolphins are the only animals other than humans to have been shown to transmit identity information independent of the caller’s voice.”


Friday, May 05, 2006


Oh man. This is the best news about the internet i've heard all year. LOOKIT WHAT YOU CAN WATCH ON GOOGLE VIDEO: Eddie Izzard, Dress to Kill

How cool is that?! If you've never seen him before, make sure to take the time to watch this, he is totally awesome. I didn't even KNOW google video could host files this long! All this time i've been swearing my allegiance to YouTube, and google video is over here rocking everyone's face off.

Seriously. After exams and drinking and everything, watch this. Watch it while drinking. I freaking love. this. video.

[credit to dan bc i totally would have never found this out otherwise]


Thursday, May 04, 2006

(don't worry, there's not supposed to BE a point)

Pip recommended i post this, even though he himself has a blog ... that he's effectively left to die? Anyway. There are two types of people in the world. Those who have seen CORN ON THE KABOB and those who haven't.

Which one do you want to be?


Things i'd advise NOT doing part deux

If you ever decide to pull a few keys off your cci laptop keyboard to wipe out the dust that lies beneath, that's cool. A little OCD, but hey, i approve. the space bar and letters are normal. snap on, snap off. however. the arrow keys ... have this special 3-pronged tier suspension system. DON'T FUCK WITH THEM. They do NOT snap back on. I just spent the last 45 minutes with 2 keys, a needle and a penlight trying to get those fuckers back in place.

lesson learned: there are some things best left alone. also, i need to quit being a fuckass and messing with keys when i should be reading.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Penny Arcade is awesome.

They do web comics on videogames. They also have a lil blogish section where they elaborate on the most recent comic if they feel fit.

The newest entry on the site: "That Infernal Industry"

No doubt there is considerable enthusiasm for the rumored couple minutes of Halo 3 at this year's E3, but I couldn't help thinking about the Goddamn deathmarch the people over at Bungie have been in for what has got to be going on eight years now. I guess I shouldn't invent motivations for them. As people are bored by the time we have created the third panel of a comic, we may represent a statistical abberation. Maybe they still like Halo. You know? Maybe they are unstoppably enthusiastic. Maybe they are angels and they can fly around the fucking room.

As a mental exercise: I really like caramel, but if I had to bathe in fucking caramel and eat it for every meal and fucking wear caramel for clothes, and then go to a building made out of caramel and work with sentient hunks of caramel I may find my taste for caramel diminished.

I don't doubt that Master Chief will carry himself in a valiant manner. I heard that he fights a polar bear in this one, and though slow to anger ursus maritimus - the White Devil - can prove a canny opponent. But Halo is no longer a game, or even a franchise - Halo is Microsoft's beachhead in an increasingly savage conflict. Bungie is ordnance. And what is ordnance if you do not expend it?


Tuesday, May 02, 2006


New trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest


A footnote


listening to the cure when you're up at 3 am working on a take home exam after you've wasted time watching Austin Powers on TBS while sketching out ideas to send to Post Secret about a boy even though you'll never send it and also will never tell him what it is that's really going on in your head. and i have to write this down out loud somewhere or else it's gonna end up in one of these essays and my professor will be like, wtf.
