Sorry "Wii," the princess is in another castle. A more normal and awesome and less ridiculously named castle.
Things that are good to know:
1. Sony has officially announced that
a. the PS3 will be ready for a Nov. 17 release
b. prices will be $499 for 20G and $599 for a 60G. (don't forget it has the fun blu-ray dvd capabilities)
c. it has a special little tilt controller. i'm sure it's nothing as cool as nintendo's new shebang, but a step in the right direx, nonetheless.***
d. it's totally pretty. (yes this is old news)
*** ok, brandon had a few choice words on the PS3 for me: :)
Brandino500: dude you don't even know about the ps3; their e3 conference SUCKED and they _blatantly_ ripped off of nintendo, and then had the balls to claim their controller tilt shit as innovation
Brandino500: everyone on the internet was laughing at them
Brandino500: yeah.. but sony's tilt thing is just plain insulting imo. they delayed the console to implement it, and in the videos of the press conference, it's HORRIBLY designed and doesn't work very well, and has no detection of place, only actual tilt. so basically it's a copy of the old microsoft sidewinder controller.
Brandino500: I mean there was a commentary thread to go along with the press conference and it had to be closed because it was full of people laughing at sony
2. Nintendo, which also changed the name of the new system from Revolution (awesome) to Wii (as in "we" as in "like everybody doesn't already understand that we're totally excited about the wifi and multiplayer gaming options here." stupid.), is going to have the system ready for Christmas, but doesn't have a price ready or a steady date yet. E3 *officially* starts Wednesday, so mayyyybe that'll change soon?
Whatever. Wii is still a stupid name.
Things that are ... just ... happening.
Ok. Maybe she really loves K-fed. Maybe she just wants to have the babies all back to back to back so she only really has to lose the baby weight once. I don't know. All i know is that i saw a picture the other day of K-fed standing on a freaking MASERATI and it made me angry because i would kill to own one of those and i would respect that freaking car BY NOT STANDING ON IT AND GRABBING MY NUTS.
The last time I bought a red plastic game platform from Nintendo, it was a Virtual Boy.
Yeah, yeah, Mario Tennis. And retina tearing.
Learned MY lesson.
well, i have since changed my position on the Wii. The name? Still sutpid. Their marketing campaign, if at all based on their E3 pres, is going to be FANTASTIC. And you're going to be able to DL older games (nes, snes, 64, sega) to play on this thing. For that reason ALONE, i will prolly buy one. But not in red. I prefer the white.
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