DAMMIT 24. Thanks a lot. Thanks for having (mostly) everything wrap up into a neat little package, and RIGHT before jack and audrey are about to go (finally) get it on, the motherfucking chinese show up and chloroform jack and throw him on a BOAT headed to SHANGHAI as they proceed to beat him to within an inch of his life.HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP!?! WHAT ABOUT JACK? WHAT ABOUT HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE?! I NEED CLOSURE. January is just too far away.
[although really, i know all will be fine, jack wil hang out in a chinese gulag/prison/something for a few months until curtis comes to save him and then he will proceed to kill every guard with a pair of chopsticks and the shirt off his back. it'll be ok.]
I was really hoping for back to back days... or at the most like, a week of "24 time" between seasons, but no no no no no no no. Not anymore. Jack is a hot mess right now. Damn! His beautiful, beautiful face!!! Save Jack! Wahhhh!
At least Buchanan and Karen are finally going to get down and dirty. And Chloe and Morris. And Martha and Aaron. And Miles and, well, ah nevermind. Woot!
Miles can go fuck himself. And as for karen and bill, b-rad said it best: "hey karen, how do you like your eggs? Fertilized?"
But really. how are we supposed to sleep when we're worrying about JACK AND HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE?!? Damn you, 24.
p.s. we're doing a LOST night over here if you wanna join!
I've seen some people speculate that next season will begin almost immediately after this day ended. That can never happen though because, among other things, they'd have to make up Jack's face like that every episode.
And that just ain't kosher.
Well shit. I missed a Lost party. Actually, I missed Lost. My sister cut off the tip of her thumb - seriously - and I had to take her to the emergency room. We got there at 5. We left at midnight. Thank god it wasn't a real emergency or she would have died in the waiting room. And I would have killed everyone for making me miss Lost for no reason.
I'll be checking back here for a funny/awesome Lost-related post. Don't disappoint me!!!
You know, you can use the power of the internet to download the episodes. + bitcomet = lost! (also i'm glad your sister is ok)
Don't forget, if you don't feel like downloading, the episode is streaming for free at ABC's website.
Thanks for the tip, William. My computer doesn't handle downloading well.
And Fox is showing Season 5 of 24 on Fridays, starting June 16. 2 episodes per night. It's the summer of Jack.
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