Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hypnotic Box Office

Still in Charlotte. We have HBO in Charlotte. I ended up watching a weird movie with Colin Farrell called "A Home at the end of the world." Maybe. I don't care enough to look it up. It was... okay. It was one of those movies that you finish watching to the end just because you have to. He's basically an orphan that's gay that grows up to maybe not be gay, and his baby-momma ends of leaving with the baby and his friend/boyfriend/ whatever may be dying but they never tell us anaything. so who cares.

and then i guess HBO was having a "colin farrell in roles of questionale sexuality" marathon, as "Alexander" was on next. I figure what the hell, i love movies about Greek history, and i heard it was AWFUL, but i'll prolly just dose off anyway. (Movie started at 3:10)

WRONG. Wrong. i was SO wrong, and everyone that said the movie sucked was SO RIGHT. It was cheesy, he looks stupid with blond hair, they had awful child actors, the plot jumped around with ill-timed and totally unwarranted flashbacks. I don't even know how i watched as long as I did. I just felt the need to keep watching, like maybe, JUST MAYBE it was going to become more tolerable. WRONG. He's pretty and all, but, just, NO.

also: More friends have blogs!!!! Jim(the Quick) and Fonvielle (is to blogging what Pol Pot was to agriculture) are worth reading. Artz desk, represent.



At 11:35 PM, Blogger Will Fonvielle said...

When I first read this post, it almost slipped by me that it was one in a trio - a trio no doubt caused by technical difficulties, which are prone to happen.

I do chuckle, however, at the fact that in posts 2 and 3, Jim and I are referred to as "funny and lovable," while in the top post we're relegated to "worth reading."

No matter, the latter description is probably closest to home anyway. I can't speak for Jim, but I get most of my jokes from placemats.

At 1:31 AM, Blogger Becca said...

ah! stupid blogger. it was "worth reading" first and then i changed it to lovable. i give up


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