Sunday, July 02, 2006

Lions and tigers and PUPPIES OH MY!!!

Ok, so first there was His Royal Highness of Cuteness, the roly poly Butterstick and the pandacam. Then there was (is) cute overload. Which always makes me swoon for the cuteness.

Exhibit A: Cute Overlooooooad!

Now there's Let's Be Friends, which features pairs of anni-mies hanging out, looking adorable.

Exhibit B:

And there is also kitten war, which is kind of like hot or not for kitties and pits cute cat against cute cat. (Lauren's Laika was kicking ass for a while back when she was up there!) But now ... i found... Baby War: BABY VS. BABY.


I swear to God. Puppies are one thing, but then you throw babies into the whole shebang, and then there are BABIES AND PUPPIES TOGETHER and my estrogen starts to spin off to a level where when i'm just in home depot for charcoal and some granite cleaner i suddenly find myself in the paint department, staring and thinking about how. i. would. decorate. a. nursery.

It's terrifying. And i can't stop it. Somebody help me.


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