Monday, June 26, 2006

Things i never got around to blogging about because i am lazy and because feilding said my blog was trashy and that made me sad.

1. 40 Reasons Why Keanu Does NOT Suck

#16: “I am an F-B-I Agent!” That line rules. (If you have never seen "Point Break," you are truly missing out.)

2. From Deadspin: Looking at this year's draft ... four years from now.

J.J. was a fantastic scorer in college, but that can be attributed to the fact he wasn’t facing the longer, quicker players in the NBA. Without the ability to score at a high level, he simply faded away. Redick, who now works at Home Depot, did not return a call.

3. Via Stereogum: The Boy Least Likely To serves up its cover of George Michael's "Faith." Did i like the limp bizkit version? Yes. Do i love this one more? Yes. (If you've never heard TBLLT before, after a listen you'll probably agree with lauren's summation that they "sound like balloons.")

4. Harriet the turtle died. When it comes to the list of my personal favorite sea creatures, turtles are a close third underneath sharks and beluga whales.

5. The Onion:
Why Doesn't My Code Get Its Own Movie? by Samuel F.B. Morse

I think I have sufficiently made my case for a Morse Code movie, and eagerly await Hollywood's response. Surely my code deserves more than a lousy five-second appearance during Great Civil War Gadgetry on the History Channel.

Hell, they gave that damned crystal skull a whole half hour, and that's not even about history.

And now for the brief life update:

Got a speeding ticket.
Got sunburned.
Had a superfun time in Chapel Hill.
Still sunburned.
Still have to go to court in august and pray that they drop this ticket. (It's my first offense ever, so i'm hoping they will.)
Still looking for a job.
Still want a puppy.
Still need a lot of things.



At 2:33 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I bet he thinks Bernini's Longinus is trashy, too.

At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feilding is a slut.

How fast was your ticket? First offense? Have some traffic lawyer enter a plea of not guilty because of faulty equipment and they should throw it out. That's what I did for both of my speeding tickets.


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