Whenever I see a yellow lab now I immediately think "TEAM VINCENT!" and I want to brainwash you people into thinking the same way.
Ok, so i don't really need a *reason* to post this awesome pic, but it is of a celebratory nature, and this *is* my 200th blog post, so i give you ...<3!!! :D
That dog is not going to wait for them to stop singing before blowing out that candle and eating that burger.
And I have two Jack Bauer/24-related things you need to see, if you haven't already:
1. Guys watching 24 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEFtatwP9Ic
2. PostSecret about Jack Bauer - http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/994/593/1600/2fer.jpg
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