Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I love the internet.

Law and Order: SVU Valentines

"Baby, do you mind if i get a happy ending? ... She didn't say no!"

This should be worth checking out (from the NY Post):

January 31, 2006 -- DAVE Chappelle will finally explain why he walked away from a $50 million TV deal — to Oprah, of course.

The stand-up comic who made headlines last year when he suddenly and mysteriously quit his Comedy Central show in the middle of filming its third season is expected to explain what happened this Friday in a pre-taped interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Monday, January 30, 2006

The 22nd year of our copy editorious


<3, the david stern of team vincent!


"How do you say that in Portuguese?"

I'm sure everyone has seen this, but ... yeah. Watch it. He's just ... i don't understand how anything about him is considered attractive.

And then, we get a dramatic reading of some of the lyrics. (Note the sideways cap.)

Sunday, January 29, 2006

January: Your month in Kiefer Sutherland news

Looks like Jack Bauer's been taking plenty of time to hit the sauce.

1. Kief + the bottle vs. the christmas tree.

(ok, so this is technically December, but I didn't read about it till Jan, so it counts.)
Moments earlier Sunday Mirror reporters watched in amazement as he charged into a 12ft Christmas tree, sending it crashing to the floor. The party was finally called off at 5.30am by hotel security - when guests starting arriving for BREAKFAST.

At 2am bar staff refused to serve any more alcohol. Undaunted, Kiefer persuaded management to let them loose in the lobby.

He ordered yet more booze on room service, then staggered around the entrance hall, entertaining pals with a bizarre, flailing breakdancing routine.

It was then that a huge Christmas tree caught his eye.

"I hate that f***ing Christmas tree," he declared. "The tree HAS to come down."

Kiefer warned staff: "I'm smashing it - can I pay for it?"

A staff member replied: "I'm absolutely sure you can, sir."

2. A "Gawker sighting 2 weeks ago: (NYC)

Well, Charlie Rose films his interview show out of Bloomberg studios, and sometimes we see the guests (celebrities) as they come in or leave. Usually when they come in they're taken to the green room to wait. Every guest on the show is asked if they would like a tour of Bloomberg while they wait—99.9% politely say no.

Not Jack Bauer! So: Keifer Sutherland, some smoking hot chick and a huge bodyguard circle around the sales floor. He's clearly high as a kite and has this crazed look on his face, plus he's molesting this chick as he walks around the floor, with one hand he's waving to people while the other is clearly down this girl's pants.

At any moment I expected him to pull out a gun and yell, "get down!" It's clear that the 80's have not ended for Keifer. The moral of the story: watch 24 this season, cause he's not acting.

3. And from Defamer last week:

"24" STAR Kiefer Sutherland shocked staffers at the Ye Rustic Inn in Los Feliz, Calif., the other morning when he bellied up to the bar around 9 a.m. demanding to start a tab, reports Steppin' Out magazine.

Editor Chaunce Hayden says the normally thick-waisted Sutherland looked "rail-thin" when he entered the tiny dive bar with a group of rowdy pals and ordered a round of drinks. According to witnesses, when presented with the bill, Sutherland claimed his wallet was "indisposed" - "It's been stolen! I promise I'll come back and pay."

At that point, things got weird. "He started to go into a series of karate kicks in the middle of the floor while the bartender, waitress and several customers looked on," Hayden reports. Thankfully, a star-struck fan agreed to buy him several J&B's on the rocks. After devouring a plate of chicken wings and littering the floor with bones, the star left without tipping. Sutherland, it turns out, was winding down from a very long night at the Drawing Room across the street. A rep for Sutherland did not respond to a call for comment.


4. And then today, Brandon sends me the kicker: Kief's running around a club with his pants around his ankles. REALLY! WHAT?!!?


To summarize:

Brandino500: did you get naked keif picture?
Brandino: that man is a party god
rhymeandreason72: hahahaha
rhymeandreason72: yes
rhymeandreason72: wtf!?
Brandino: I don't know?? I want to go to LA and party with him though
Brandino: he sounds even more awesome in real life
Brandino: he's nice and punches christmas trees, rescues old ladies, and shows off his karate skills

----> Also, since Kief picked up the SAG award tonight for best actor in a TV drama, I'm many more awesome celebratory stories will leak out.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Neato thing #2

T-shirts a plenty

We could recite that entire TAPE when he was hot shit. I think that was 4th or 5th grade? We felt like such badasses. :) Hah.


Friday, January 27, 2006

Things I'm kinda obsessed with right now: Part I

Dabrye, "Smoking the Edge"

Yes, it's quite repetitive, but I enjoy this kind of stuff, and the video is intriguing.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Man pulled over, ticketed for rocking a mannequin in the HOV lane.

Hehe. I'm sure this is not the first time this had been pulled, or even the first time someone has been caught, but look at that mannequin! Sure, it's got a nice lil hoodie and a baseball cap, but the facial accents are really lacking.

Crazy people.


Yes. Jan. 26 Cartoon -- Philip McFee

There are rumors on the internets ...

Yo! It's a call to arms.

This Saturday. Linda's. Prolly around 11.

Join us in celebrating the 22nd year of our Copy Editor Extraordinaire.

Why? Because ...

It's Katie Schwing's birthday!! And we just don't know how to quit her.

Drinks will abound, friends will congregate, custom t-shirts will be worn, zaniness will ensue.

(ALSO featuring a guest appearance from the No. 1 pick in the 2006 Team Vincent draft, Lauren Green.)


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Of the people, by the people, for the people.

MORE TEAM VINCENT! Much to Pip's chagrin, I'm sure. Katie and I made a facebook group. All are invited to join. If you don't watch "Lost," who cares. TEAM VINCENT was established for the purpose of high-fiving and being happy. Do it today. Join the movement. Exploding high-five.

rhymeandreason72: we made a silly lost facebook group
rhymeandreason72: i invited you ;-)
johnnyboy: sweet!
johnnyboy: I'm already in ONe i think
rhymeandreason72: well, this is dedicated esp to team vincent
johnnyboy: that's hilarious
rhymeandreason72: which is dedicated to promoting awesomeness
johnnyboy: it's like team LC
rhymeandreason72: exactly :-)
johnnyboy: LOVES it!
rhymeandreason72: thank YOU, someone else reads gossip blogs!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hip, hop.

Ok: Quick: Informal poll: Who remembers/is familiar with Pat the Bunny?

It was a kid's book; you opened it and there was a circle of felt and you could "pat" the tummy of "the bunny."

Anyone? The first three people I asked were all, "No, never heard of it."

It's akin to "Goodnight Moon" as one of the best children's books I had growing up.

C'mon people. Pat the Bunny.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm in a flank 2 position!

I love televisionwithoutpity.com.

It's what i used two years ago to get myself all caught up on the happenings of Six Feet Under -- but they NEVER turn out recaps this fast. As a general rule, the recap won't ever be posted until the following week. Show airs Monday? Recap will be posted by next Sunday. So imagine my surprise when i looked at the site today and ... 24 recap! And not just one, but TWO!! That's gotta be the fastest turnaround time EVER.

In an attempt to get everyone to love TWOP -- and because i know a handful of people who read this can appreciate it -- i copied-and-pasted some of the best parts while reading. (Also, M. Giant, the recapper, did Six Feet Under for quite some time, so I'm kinda biased towards his awesomeness.)



ok, safe:

Logan shuts that right the hell down, saying that he worked too hard to arrange the summit and there won't be a second chance for this signing. Oh, just sign the Russian president's name yourself, you big sissy. Write some letters backward and nobody will know the difference.


Kiefer himself enters after a moment, just as Diane is admonishing the kid not to drink O.J. out of the carton. Kiefer even offers the kid a glass, which he ignores, choosing instead to take another swig out of the carton while staring right at Kiefer. Embarrassed, Kiefer lets it go, even though he could have that carton coming out the kid's ass in about five seconds.


Commercials. What a relief to know that Palmer's death isn't enough to stop him from trying to sell me car insurance.


Out in the hallway, Kiefer looks towards the living room and sees a bunch of agents milling around, every one of them holding a copy of a screen-grab of his face from the security camera footage. Why do I have to be so goddamn handsome?, he wonders. Chloe quickly finds him an alternate exit through the kitchen, and he only has to punch out one guy to get out of the apartment. Out in the hallway, he lurks in an alcove while two uniformed cops step out of the elevator, admiring their own Kiefer headshots. Did the Secret Service commandeer a Kinko's? "Good thing he's so goddamn handsome," the cops mutter inaudibly to each other.


Good thing.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006


24 is back! Which means...

Jack with a gun.
and jack with a gun.

and jack looking hot with another gun.

A Jack action figure with his cell...and a gun.

I'm not entirely fond of guns, but Jack Bauer looks so hot handling one that he can proceed as he wishes. I won't spoil the season premiere for those who had to tape it, but I love this show and between this and "Lost" i will be quite the happy camper this winter/spring.
Also, i found this while google-imaging jack bauer -- Harry Potter v. Jack Bauer: An Analysis of Who Would Be of Greater Benefit In A Bar Fight

"If you have to take on four guys in a bar fight and Jack Bauer is on your side all you would have to do is step aside and let Jack do his thing.

"Go back to the bar, order Jack a beer (although he may still prefer heroin) and enjoy the show. The downside to Jack Bauer is that if for some reason your bar fight had anything to do with national security, he’d kill you himself."

Random notes:
Schwind on why he doesn't enjoy the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, sparked by a discussion about awards shows in light of the golden globes:

schwind: I think it also has to do with my dislike for a) fantasy and b) the feudal system
rhymeandreason72: dude
rhymeandreason72: the feudal system?
rhymeandreason72: i am dying over here, that was too funny
schwind: yeah, that's what I said bitch
rhymeandreason72: who actively hates the feudal system!?!
rhymeandreason72: i think everyone knows it sucked
rhymeandreason72: but wow :-)
schwind: well, everyone does
schwind: but here comes a trilogy
schwind: that basically says "Hey kids, next time you overthrow a malevolent dictator of a feudal society, install a benevolent dictator of a feudal society forever giving up the chances of personal liberty and self determination rather than doing something logical like creating a constitutional democracy or, at the very least, a constitutional monarchy"

Tee hee.

-----------Link roundup:-----------

Billy Joel's video for "Uptown Girl" played with "Toxic." Campy.

Somebody's having a birthday! :D
(and the trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiiight!)

Stereogum.com post links to two new leaked tracks from Gnarls Barkley, the collab between DJ Danger Mouse and Ce-Loo. It promises to be quite excellent.

A shirt that i would like to purchase, courtesy of Nataliedee.com. She's the wife of the guy who does toothpastefordinner. Her stuff can be hit or miss, but i love this!

Swedish Chef ringtones. Quit hatin'. Yall know this is funny.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Never forget your target market

So I logged onto AIM after coming home this afternoon, only to see a little message saying that I now had mail at rhymeandreason72@aim.com. Which isn't really true, because you can't have mail without signing up.

Anyway, now my lil AIM buddy guy is blinking with a mailbox icon and it's quite irritating. Figuring that I'll just sign up for that ish and make the blinking stop, I go for it. To the left of the sign up info are reasons why AIM Mail is sooooo great!

Don't Have a Screen Name? Get One for Free Now!
AIM® Mail, the best Web-based e-mail
brought to you by AOL

* Keep anything and everything with 2GB of storage (unlimited storage for AOL members).
* Feel confident with industry leading spam and virus protection.
* Preserve important relationships with the handy "Unsend" button*.

Yes. Finally a handy unsend button. And I love the honesty of that claim, although I think most people would agree it's far more entertaining to destroy important relationships in public than in the e-world.


"Are you gonna beat me with your Jesus stick?"

Best. Quote. Of. The. Year. (not like that, you perverts: this is the Jesus stick!)

Tonight was indeed a TWO-HOUR LOST EVENT! The show you love/hate to love came back on tonight after a SIX-WEEK hiatus, but I suppose the powers that be can be forgiven since this was such a kick ass episode.

We got a flashback from the newly introduced bad ass Mr. Eko, (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, of "Oz" noteriety, as well as roles in "The Mummy Returns" and "Get Rich or Die Tryin'") who is absolutely my favorite character now.

After the nice hourlong series recap -- which included snips of both Vincent and Boonie and those are always appreciated -- we got the flashback of Mr. Eko and caught up with those crazy kids. It feels like they've been on the islands for 3 years, but in real time it's only about 2.5 months.

LOST likes to take its sweet time in revealing too much information to the viewers, but tonight we found out:

- that mike is going nuts and even though he thinks it's walt on the computer, it's going to be the others, and it's going to be bad news bears.

- Eko was a local thug of sorts in Nigeria back in the day, and played a role in the crashed beechcraft full of heroin that Locke saw in a dream/found with Boone. He then turned into a priest. (Hence, Jesus stick.)

- Lostzilla = smoke with a mind of its own that potentially hosts the souls/ghosts of people who have died on the island, and Eko won a face-off against it because he is fearless.

- after getting kicked out of claire's hut, charlie's gonna relapse, which i would do too if i had a heaping bucketful of heroin and was deserted on that ridiculous island

-Eko's priest bro was on the plane that killed Boone

Now the whole "lostzilla-smoke" payoff may seem kinda weak since it's been played up for a season and a half and it was ... a floating, twisting cloud of black smoke ... but the way they did it was quite interesting and i wonder if they'll ever explain exactly WTF it is. Probably not. Maybe in season 6. Right now, the slightly telepathic-faces-of-dead-enclosed smoke idea works for me.

Watch the show. It's talking loco and I LIKE it.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Now i know my fish are usually never an interesting conversation topic, but the fact that there recently was an aquatic coup d'etat in my apartment is worth noting.

I left Wed. night for Char. On Friday afternoon, roomie came back and discovered Darwin the goldfish's dead body in the tank, saying he look beat to hell. He's lived in the tank since May.

I got a fish from my sister in ... october?...it's a type called a convict, and i also took 4 convict babies from her. I read online that convicts + goldfish didn't cohabitate together well, but they seemed fine for 2+ months, so i let it go.

Apparently, due to the aggressive behav of the big convict, my Darwin is DEAD. And not just dead. He was freaking assassinated. Lauren and Brandon bought me two fish yesterday, and today, BOTH DEAD.

So either Nazi fish #1 killed them both, or he enlisted the help of the babies, formed a gang, and killed the two new fish today. Organized crime in my fish tank!

This sounds ridiculous, but they beat the hell out of those other fish. I should flush those bastards down the toilet and get some little docile, peaceful, tree-hugging dudes.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

So this is the new year

Hey all, sorry, things have been crazy. Happy New Year to all! :) (and to all a good night?... wait...)

NYE was fun, although i looked like a peacock, drank too much, had a nervous breakdown and then walked home looking like a peacock with mascara-ed raccoon eyes. It was an excellent way to kick off 2000-sex, let me tell you.

Anyway, all is well in the REAL OC, hope you guys are doing well. Fun links for the end of the holidaze:

1. Overheard in New York
Conductor: Step in and stand clear of the doors, folks. If you can't fit, wait for the next train. This is not the last helicopter off the top of the embassy.

2. The Lonely Island The trio behind the Chronic-what-cles of Narnia; some pretty funny stuff on the site. My favorites include the Awesometown promo, the Bing Bong Bros and under music, "Ka-Blamo," 2 guys and STORK PATROL.

3. Some kid makes a google video about his interpretation of Fall Out Boy's "Sugar we're going down." Pretty stupid, but i love that the first part of the chorus is "interpreted" as "we're going dowwwwn tuuuuu in a LULEELURAH!!!!" Worth a few giggles :D