Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm in a flank 2 position!

I love

It's what i used two years ago to get myself all caught up on the happenings of Six Feet Under -- but they NEVER turn out recaps this fast. As a general rule, the recap won't ever be posted until the following week. Show airs Monday? Recap will be posted by next Sunday. So imagine my surprise when i looked at the site today and ... 24 recap! And not just one, but TWO!! That's gotta be the fastest turnaround time EVER.

In an attempt to get everyone to love TWOP -- and because i know a handful of people who read this can appreciate it -- i copied-and-pasted some of the best parts while reading. (Also, M. Giant, the recapper, did Six Feet Under for quite some time, so I'm kinda biased towards his awesomeness.)



ok, safe:

Logan shuts that right the hell down, saying that he worked too hard to arrange the summit and there won't be a second chance for this signing. Oh, just sign the Russian president's name yourself, you big sissy. Write some letters backward and nobody will know the difference.


Kiefer himself enters after a moment, just as Diane is admonishing the kid not to drink O.J. out of the carton. Kiefer even offers the kid a glass, which he ignores, choosing instead to take another swig out of the carton while staring right at Kiefer. Embarrassed, Kiefer lets it go, even though he could have that carton coming out the kid's ass in about five seconds.


Commercials. What a relief to know that Palmer's death isn't enough to stop him from trying to sell me car insurance.


Out in the hallway, Kiefer looks towards the living room and sees a bunch of agents milling around, every one of them holding a copy of a screen-grab of his face from the security camera footage. Why do I have to be so goddamn handsome?, he wonders. Chloe quickly finds him an alternate exit through the kitchen, and he only has to punch out one guy to get out of the apartment. Out in the hallway, he lurks in an alcove while two uniformed cops step out of the elevator, admiring their own Kiefer headshots. Did the Secret Service commandeer a Kinko's? "Good thing he's so goddamn handsome," the cops mutter inaudibly to each other.


Good thing.



At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Becca - also has hysterical 24 recaps that you should check out.

I heart Jack.


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