Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Getcha grown man on when you wear topsiders

My dad was browsing some stuff on sierra trading post and he found ... TEAM VINCENT PANTS!!!

That is the coolest and or most ridiculous thing of all time.

I also can't get this song out of my head:

Vid is fun, i'm pretty sure they're in high school, and the dude with the keyboard is the best part. Found this via Stereogum -- they really have the best stuff!

Remember that not-a-Vans-commercial "Vans" by Bay Area hip-hoppers The Pack? Well, they made a video for the "song" and it's been banned by MTV! Presumably the network had some problems with the "coke white" references, but -- here's the kicker (ha) -- MTV also wanted the Pack to change the name of the song. This is the first time I've heard of a video being banned for being too sneakery.


I got into two new shows recently -- Weeds, and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Sunny likes to tell everyone that the Philly Inquirer said they were like "Seinfeld on crack," and that's pretty accurate. Four snarky 30-something friends run a bar, hijinks ensue. Search "It's always sunny" on YouTube and you can get some good clips. It's on FX, but you can watch it via torrents, which is much easier.

Weeds is on Showtime, but again, torrents. It started the 2nd season this week, but the first season was only 10 epis, so it's easy to catch up. It's got tinges of desperate housewives, but it's very clever and just an amazing show. (And it's got Denny from Grey's!)

Premise: Mary-Louise Parker's charac, Nancy, is suddenly widowed when her husband drops dead from a heart attack. She doesn't want to give up her cush lifestyle, so she starts dealing weed in suburbia to make ends meet, and starts climbing her way up the drug-dealer ladder. It's awesome. You'll love it. I promise.

<3 [teamvincent!!!]


At 2:23 AM, Blogger Harry said...


Fucking brilliant show.


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