People came and built us a shed today. It took them 6.25 hours, not counting a break for lunch. It was ridiculously efficient. I may or may not be painting the shed this holiday weekend. We shall see.
1. Junior Senior, "Move Your Feet" (it's still the ultimate summer jam)
And you know what, no one deserves it more. :D I'm totally rocking my "34" ironed-on UNC shirt to the gym tomorrow.
Although it would've been SO INCREDIBLY SUPER AWESOME if char had been able to snag him, but whatcha gonna do. we'll just have to hope that morrison is as good as everyone seems to think he is. except for that stache. he needs to shave it. it creeps me out and i feel uncomfortable supporting such an affront to acceptable facial grooming standards. elliott feels (strongly!) otherwise.
rhymeandreason72: if he would just SHAVE THAT STACHE whenyoustartmeup: NO whenyoustartmeup: NEVER rhymeandreason72: YES rhymeandreason72: ITS CREEPY whenyoustartmeup: DO NOT DISPARAGE THE MUSTACHE rhymeandreason72: GO EAT AND WE CAN ARGUE ABOUT THIS LATER whenyoustartmeup: might not catch you tonight, but i will come with arguing points prepared in the next day or two whenyoustartmeup: i'll have polls and shit
A really great (long) article from Wired about Murdoch and how they're trying to figure out how to make money off of MySpace -- 580 mill doesn't just grow on trees -- His Space
“You’ll see us morphing from a content company into a marketing company,” Levinsohn says, “a youth marketing company especially, because that’s where everything starts. No one is going to be able to control the flow of content the way we used to. MySpace gives us the ability to look inside and understand how hits get created” – that is, to spot micro-niches, track early breakouts, and identify hot IM buzzwords as they bubble up.
This is why MySpace poses a real threat to big players. It’s a nuclear missile across MTV’s bow. News Corp. personnel from Murdoch on down never tire of pointing out that MySpace reaches more kids each day than Viacom’s music channel sees in a week. The site is also a nice one-up on media wannabes Google and Yahoo, both of which have fielded their own social networks to mixed results. It’s a knock on Facebook, which avoids out-of-control content like an STD. And it rubs sand in the eyes of champion AOL, which has responded with AIM Pages, an extension of its instant-messaging service.
J.J. was a fantastic scorer in college, but that can be attributed to the fact he wasn’t facing the longer, quicker players in the NBA. Without the ability to score at a high level, he simply faded away. Redick, who now works at Home Depot, did not return a call.
3. Via Stereogum: The Boy Least Likely To serves up its cover of George Michael's "Faith." Did i like the limp bizkit version? Yes. Do i love this one more? Yes. (If you've never heard TBLLT before, after a listen you'll probably agree with lauren's summation that they "sound like balloons.")
4. Harriet the turtle died. When it comes to the list of my personal favorite sea creatures, turtles are a close third underneath sharks and beluga whales.
I think I have sufficiently made my case for a Morse Code movie, and eagerly await Hollywood's response. Surely my code deserves more than a lousy five-second appearance during Great Civil War Gadgetry on the History Channel.
Hell, they gave that damned crystal skull a whole half hour, and that's not even about history.
And now for the brief life update: Got a speeding ticket. Got sunburned. Had a superfun time in Chapel Hill. Still sunburned. Still have to go to court in august and pray that they drop this ticket. (It's my first offense ever, so i'm hoping they will.) Still looking for a job. Still want a puppy. Still need a lot of things.
from another astronomy/gen science/hooraywhatever book i'm reading -- this guy, robert evans, lives in australia and is almost a mastermind when it comes to detecting supernovae.
"There's something satisfying, I think," Evans said, "about the idea of light traveling for millions of years through space and just at the right moment as it reaches Earth someone looks at the right bit of sky and see it.
"It just seems right that an event of that magnitude should be witnessed."
Hi! I miss you! Do you miss me? Prolly not, since i've been talking to all (most) of you, but i have been neglecting le blog. First things first:
1a. Shoutouts. Chris Johnson, also known to some as "online" because i like using arbitrary nicknames, has a blog with his bro, clint. Why We Worry. Good stuff, and it's easy to register to comment. Have I been good about this? No. Will i be? Sure. He's also giving away prizes and stuff, and he goes professional web design, so enjoy the site and it's orig. format. Even though the rest of us like blogger just fine, thankyouverymuch.
1b. Schwind blogged about dreaming he was Batman. Now, schwind is funny all the time, but this is great.
2. Royksopp -- Remind Me. I just found this band 2.5 weeks ago thanks to that online radio thing, and found this video thanks to the pitchfork top 100 list. and that's all were gonna say about pitch-f, is that it was a good list. I love the song and cannot get it out of my head.
3. More later, i am now distracted and want to go do other crafty things.
Hey! I'm not dead. My family moved from the QC to Stanley (huh?) over the weekend, so things have been pretty hectic. Plus i have to share the computer with 3 other people. Balls.
Stanley, for those of you who don't know (and i didn't, until about 5 days ago,) is in the upper corner of Gaston County. It's exactly 33.4 miles from my old house in South Charlotte, and the house actually really, really nice. Stanley ... is okay. It could be defined most efficiently as a "speed trap" -- it's exactly like one of those towns you drive through on your way to the beach where people you know ALWAYS get a ticket for going 31 in a 25. So yeah. This is going to be the summer of becca trying to NOT get a ticket for speeding that shouldn't actually count.
The house is great though, even though we took to calling it tetris house because of the geometrically curvy (??) hallways and just the way everything is nestled together. Pics forthcoming, although i'm sure they will be obscenely boring.
Not boring: There are two houses on our road. Ours, and the neighbors. The neighbors (who made their money in forklifts, booyah) have 50 acres and TURKEYS. Turkeys. And peacocks, and 14 beehives. I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting all these wonderful creatures, but it should happen soon.
I waaaanna goooo abroad!!! Jepsen's in Japan right now and Feilding is in Chile, but neither of them are indie enough to have flickr accounts. And no one wants to see F$'s whoring ass anyway.
sssh, don't tell! (about QT. Tell people about Ze, though.)
Ok, so i lost the Quicktime war, but then i figured out a way to covertly install it so it only plays the videos you want it to. Which means ... i can watch Ze!!!
I don't really know how to explain Ze. The first time i watched one of his videos i had worked a 9-hour shift and was pretty tired and didn't really understand the words coming out of his mouth. But then i went back and watched it again. And then i watched an entire month's worth of his videos. You should too. He's pretty funny, and you kind of love him once you watch a few of them. I kinda feel uncomfortable bc i feel i have a really intimate knowledge of his teeth, but, whatever.
As best i can figure, according to his page and Wiki (yeah, don't act surprised) he got a degree in neuroscience and then somehow started doing lectures and ... yeah. He's great though. I promise. Give it a couple whirls and you too will want to join the legions of Sports Racers.
b-rad introduced me to the other day, which is really nice since i don't have any of my music on the home computer and can't find my effing USB mem card. So you register, and open the player, and type in the artist that you'd like it to generate similiar artists for. it's been working quite well, although it threw in some kanye AND jay-z for something that was definitely acoustic yesterday, and now...
midnight oil ... is NOTHING like groove armada.
lil things that that aside, it's neat. worth checking out. it tracks what you've been listening to, if you like something but forget to write it down.
hey kids. i have nothing to blog about. my days are consumed by packing and since i lost the Quicktime war, i can't watch any of my fun stuff online anymore. (especially ze. i miss ze.
so i've just been hanging around the house, trying to remember what room my cell phone is in, fighting with the tape dispenser, banging my knees and legs up on the assorted tables and things i just keep RUNNING INTO. it's like, hi, i'm an adult, and i move too quickly but with no sense of coordination, it seems.
Me to dad: Please quit deleting iTunes off the computer. Dad: I don't want iTunes on the computer. Me: But i need Quicktime to do anything! Dad: I hate Quicktime. Whenever i try and watch anything, the video is this small. (makes angry small motion) Me: What are you watching them with? You should be able to change the settings back towindows media or real. Dad: Windows media, with that quick crap the bikes are too small. Me: You can customize your settings to watch it WITH SOMETHING ELSE. Dad: I DON'T WANT QUICKTIME. Me: I NEED IT. DAD: FINE YOU FIGURE IT OUT THEN.
once we move, and resert up the internet i am FIGURING OUT HOW TO PUT THE INTERNET BACK ON MY LAPTOP. which was like, 130 less gigigs of memory than this one, but works like a NORMAL PERSON'S COMPUTER SHOULD.