If you missed the dunk contest last night (as did I), here a super fun montage of all the dunks set to some good music. God bless the Internet. Also, David Noel is crazy in this.
Lookit that shit! Seriously. Look at it. That is awesome.
I love this crazy, crazy ass show. First the blast doors come down for undetermined reasons, and then we get blacklights and multicolor dayglo doodling on the door? How in the hell? Of course it's the classic Lost move of "introduce more questions than answers," but this is particularly awesome for two reasons.
1. It proves that the previous hatch-patch kids were at least trying to piece together information about what's going on. (Thanks to the diligent work of people on the Internets, there are already pics floating around with larger text of what was written on the door.)
Because that's always been my biggest complaint about the show: nobody tells each other important information, and NO ONE asks enough questions.
-- Mr. Ecko has a face off with the magical mystery smoke monster? I'm pretty sure no one except for him and charlie know about that.
-- Jack & co. meet an unhospitable gang of others and no one even bothers to ask the "others" who they are and why they're on the island? Seriously?!
-- Claire and Kate run around in the jungle and find a THIRD hatch with all sorts of creepy stuff. Did they bother to divulge when they got back? I don't think so.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the type of people i work/hang out with. But i really think they should at least be having daily meetings.
If jack is really serious about raising a formidable army -- he needs to buck up, right the fuck now. In light of the fact that henry gale stole a dead man's identity, i think it's finally time for island jack to go jack bauer on that dude and beat the information out of him -- it's time to get organized, NOW.
Get everybody together once a day. Find out if anything weird is going on. Make sure you're all on the same page.
Case in point: Sun is pregnant. You know the others are interested in babies. Tell everyone to be quiet about it because they know the others can spy on them.
Now i'm sure that if i was on that island i'd be the annoying girl asking too many questions, but come on. There's a lot of shit going down and they need to get together and organize. That's what the hatch guys did ... and i'm not sure if it actually got them anywhere ...but they at least were being productive. And it's provided for a very, very neat subplot.
2. (Oh yes, there is still a two.)
Ok. So far we know these kids have:
-- a ton of records -- blacklights -- apparently supplies to blacklight-write with -- a ton of heroin.
Of course he wasn't going to leave for the NBA, but it's still reassuring to hear him say it.
And for your viewing pleasure, a ty-ty montage of photos that didn't make it to print. (all courtesy of b-rad, as usual)
(and just because this picture makes me laugh-- ladies and gentlemen, marcus ginyard. what're ya doin, playing basketball or practicing to be a male model? :) )
Have you ever wondered what a rap song about Carrboro sung by a couple hipsters would sound like? No? Too bad.
It's no "Tar Heel Hip Hop," but some guys decided to pen a lyrical ode to ... Carrboro. Sure. OK. That's cool ... And for the record, i live in Carrboro, but i don't LIVE in Carrboro.
It’s Sunday night; sportin’ my bling bling OCSC! get that dollar Yeungling Chillin’ on the crux of Bim and Fidelity C’mon Carrboro let’s kick some melody
With wide bike lanes: It’s Carrboro! And whole wheat grains: It’s Carrboro! Who’s the best in show: It’s Carrboro! Where you wanna go: It’s Carrboro!
(also, you may notice, as katie pointed out, "carrboro = most awkward word for a rap EVAR.")
(at least not until you reach the privacy of the locker room. Come on now.)
And honestly, Morrison's bawling and flailing on the court was --dare i say it-- far, FAR more entertaining than JJ's tears.
Afflalo even took the time to help try and pry morrison off the floor to help spare him further embarrassment.
but seriously. guys. come on. the two men battling for NPOY don't cry in public.
look at pittsnogle. Make fun of him all you want, but the man got elbowed in the face, shoved some gauze up his bleeding nose and went back out there and PLAYED THE GAME, including a clutch 3 to tie the game with 7s left. they lost on a heartbreaking buzzer beater, but did he cry? Not on the court. Why? Probably because he didn't want to have his infant son ever be able watch the tape of daddy losing his maniliness in front of the entire country on nat'l television.
Oh, so much pain, so much anguish to laugh at. I love you March Madness. And i love you Glen "Big Baby" Davis. Will you be my BFF?
For those who care, it's now been 19 days without a cigarette. Which is coming close to my 3-week benchmark from winter break. With (hopefully) no pending nervous breakdowns, I should be able to beat my previous record. Woo hoo! :D
[seriously. totally excited about the lack of cigarette cravings. of course it's harder at the bar, but it'll be okay.]
schwindle: i've decided schwindle: that if i win the lottery schwindle: I will dedicate $5 Million to launching an investigation to find all of coach k's dirty deeds and bring him down once and for all
The 1:28+ mark on Sufjan's "The Black Hawk War, Or, How To Demolish An Entire Civilization And Still Feel Good About Yourself In The Morning, Or, We Apologize For The Inconvenience But You're Going To Have To Leave Now, Or I Have Fought The Big Knives And Will Continue To Fight Them*" is all that's right with the world.
<3 [*The titles are all ridiculous, but they make me smile. So fuck it. Sufjan Stevens is love.]
This was a great speech when you were 13, and it's still great now.
Angus: I'm still here, ASSHOLE! I'll ALWAYS be here! Angus: You push me down and I'll get back up again, and Again, and AGAIN, And AGAIN, AND AGAIN! Angus: I could beat you RIGHT here, RIGHT now! But I DON'T WANT to be better than you, Rick! I DON'T WANT to be better than ANYBODY! I just want to be who I AM: a FAT kid, who's good at science, and fair at football. That's who I AM! I can LIVE with that. Why can't you? Rick: Because it's not normal. YOU'RE not normal. Angus: And who is? You? Rick: You bet your ass. Angus: So to be normal, we all have to be like YOU? There are 400 people in this room who are NOTHING like you, Rick! Some of them are fat, some of them are skinny. Some of them are short, some of them are tall. Some of them have braces, some of them have birth marks, or scars, or frizzy hair, or EARS THAT STICK OUT! Angus: But most of them walk through these halls EVERY DAY, never telling anybody what they really think, or feel, or believe, because people like you, NORMAL people like YOU, have them TERRIFIED of being who they REALLY are. If YOU'RE normal, what does that make all of them? So which is it, Rick? Are you normal? Or are you just one of us? Rick: Whatever I am, it's something you're never gonna be. Angus: Thank God.
(what prompted me to google this? just the thought that all of my friends are totally crazy, and i would not have it any. other. way. who needs normal? :D)
Today on the bus I figured out why I hate MySpace with such passion.
I already hold a certain degree of animosity towards Facebook, seeing as how it's getting out of control. It's fun enough, but there's only so many functions it needs to offer before reaching the point of absurdity.
After reading the Boondock's cartoons from last week, I started thinking about MySpace, and it hit me: I hate MySpace because I am unpopular on Myspace.
I only have 19 MySpace friends -- most of which are family and friends that happen to also be on there, the occasional random add from God knows who and Kevin Federline. Just because that shit's hilarious.
And I should be ok with that. I tell myself I only have 19 friends because I'm not actively seeking out friendships with strangers in cyberspace, and that's true. If I need to feel cheaply socially validated, than my superficiality should be reassured by Facebook. Which is still a ridiculous thing to say, but no one wants to be the social pariah, even on an online social networking site. That's why Facebook has that insane label-everyone-in-the-picture pictures feature and a comments wall, so everyone can see HOW FREAKING AWESOME you and all your friends are.
So I only have 19 friends. I shouldn't care. But I do. Because there are like 50-60 million MySpace users and 99.9% of them have more e-friends than I do. They all also probably have terrible haircuts, awkward conversational skills and seizure-inducing profile wallpapers, but they're still got 500 freaking friends. In the e-world pissing contest, the MySpace-cadets win.
I don't even NEED 500 e-friends, but everytime when someone I know that's far more into MySpace adds me, I feel the pressing need to tell them, I'M NOT A LOSER! I'M POPULAR ON FACEBOOK! I HAVE FRIENDS IN REAL LIFE, I SWEAR!
And that a. drives me nuts and b. makes me feel like such an asshole.
Because it's freaking MYSPACE. So I just try to ignore MySpace altogether.
Tee hee. So New Line decided to keep the name and not change it to lame ass "Pacific Air Flight 121." Which is good, because any time i'd hear that i'd start thinking about the "Lost" numbers, and then a solid 15 minutes of my day would be gone.
But yes. New trailer. I've heard various things about it, but apparently it's legit. It's more of an assembly of promotional clips that have started to float around than the actual official trailer (this would totally explain the lack of the narrative voiceover.) This means it can only get better from here.
I've shown this to other people since b-rad sent me THREE different links on friday as to where to be able to find it, and the reactions vary. If you've loved the idea of snakes on a plane since you first heard about it, then you'll love it. If you have any semblance of common sense, you'll hate it. I, however, being a fan of incredibly shitty movies (Deep Blue Sea, anyone? which, also has Samuel L. in it) cannot wait to see this. It's so bad that it's good.
Ok, i'd read about this on defamer and such when i got back from the beach, but i couldn't tell if it was just some industry rumor.
Apparently not. But what a weak-ass threat.
Like Tom Cruise would actually boycott promotions of his own summer blockbuster after last summer's disgusting world-tour make-out parade with Katie Holmes. And i really like him as an actor. He's just nuts in real life.
The best part is Matt and Trey's response to the yanking of the epi:
"So, Scientology, you have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun," the pair wrote.
"Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!"
Oh, and Issac Hayes quit. Which is too bad, but he hasn't been doing much the past 2 seasons anyway...
brimac930: we were talking about his poker games, and he was talking smack to marcus ginyard brimac930: i can give you the quote, but the audio's hysterical brimac930: here's the quote: brimac930: (the question: who plays with you?) brimac930: Me, Wes, Bobby, Tyler, Preston. Marcus has punked out about seven out of the last eight times. That's mostly about it - and Dewey, Dewey Burke. For the most part, everybody else just punks out because they're scared. Especially Marcus Ginyard. Marcus Ginyard never plays anymore. (voice rising) He used to play all the time, but now he never plays because he's scared of me, actually. Hey, Marcus, come tell him why you don't play poker anymore. He's scared of me. He's afraid to lose to me. It's point-blank, straight to the point, how it is.
(feature on noel = prolly gonna be in the DTH on wed. Look for it!)
Warning: objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear
rhymeandreason72: hellllllllo, what is this, MIDDLE SCHOOL? ilikefood130: lol ilikefood130: awww rhymeandreason72: it is rhymeandreason72: i'm gettin too old for this shit ;-) ilikefood130: caution: EMO strikes at any age!
On the rules and regulations at the NCAA Tournament that he would like to change -- “There are about 1,000 of them. I could talk about that kind of crap until the game. What time is the game tomorrow? They are well-meaning people, and I love what they do. You've never heard me criticize the tournament committee. Never. But some of the things we do are not player-friendly, team-friendly.
The people on the committee are too far removed from coaching. Just to give you an example, every coach likes to have his team's full attention during the timeouts. We get out there yesterday and the chairs are chained together, so you can't pull five chairs out onto the court, but they tell you that you can bring extra chairs.
Now they have to X-ray them and sanitize them and everything else when they come into the building. But you can bring extra chairs out there, but I said let's just leave them where they are. Now I am talking to my team and I have the fans looking down in the middle of my huddle. And the team can't walk down behind because of the clutter back there.
It's just so many silly things like that if you are a coach you think about things. At halftime someone used a great deal of common sense and unchained the chair so now you can pull the chairs out so players can walk behind them and focus on what the coach is saying. You have never heard me criticize any selections or anything like that. The tournament committee is given an unbelievable task, and they always do an unbelievable job. This is 17 years in a row that I have been in the tournament, and you can't go out and find one place that I have criticized them.
We do have to do some things that are more common-sense approach. It's not feasible if you don't look at it from the team stand point. I'm really pleased that they talked about it last night back, because it does make it so much easier. I thought at one time about getting everybody to pick those 22 chairs and chains out to on the floor. Now, that would make a mockery of it. I also figured I'd trip and hurt myself. I was really pleased that they changed it and let us do that because it's really player-friendly and team-friendly. I don't need someone's momma looking in the huddle when I am chastising her little boy.”
I've been sick for the past couple days, and that's afforded me more than enough time to fuck around on the internet.
(I'm figuring some of you have noticed. or maybe it's just the three friends who basically told me "enough with the basketball stuff." yeah, fuck you too, guys.)
Anyway, i decided to pick a new ring tone, since it's been "Dare" by the Gorillaz for like 4 months and I'm over it. I was excited to find that the Psychedelic Furs' "Pretty In Pink" was listed as AVAILABLE for my model -- it's been stuck in my head thanks to the new Moto RAZR pink-edition commercial.
So imagine my utter sadness when the error page pops up: Just kidding! The selection you have chosen is not compatible with your phone. The princess is in another castle. Please try again.
It's like Cingular is trying to tell me to just go ahead, give up and throw "Toxic" back into the rotation.
Ok, so by now everyone's seen the Coach Kommercial. I finally watched the other two linked under that one, and let me tell you, Grey Blackwell is awesome.
Courtesy of the Duke Chronicle. (The DTH has had an agreement with them for the past couple years where the losing school has to run the winning school's mascot on the edit page, and has to run the masthead in the winning school's color.)
There were about 548 different ways to watch ESPN's Saturday telecast of Duke-North Carolina: ESPNU's version from within the Cameron Crazies (this was the sports journalism equivalent of reporters embedded with Coalition soldiers during Operation Iraqi Freedom), the traditional ESPN version, the entire game action from the "Above the Rim" camera angle on ESPN2 and ESPN360 which somehow incorporates broadband access and serves the primary purpose of allowing mankind to watch basketball online while simultaneously searching for porn.
3. Mike Krzyzewski’s removed hip angle: Was his hip actually removed? If so, Coach K should have followed the example of former Mexican dictator Santa Anna and had the hip buried about halfway through the season in the middle of Krzyzewskiville. He then should've changed his mind and had the hip disinterred and carried by a procession of Cameron Crazies into the stands before the UNC game to get everyone really fired up. The hip could then be passed among the cheering students like a crowd surfing student. Wherever the hip goes, the camera goes.
Congrats to North Carolina on their win which despite occurring on three different television stations still only counts for one victory.
bananafish38: i had a dream last night that jj was on the foul line, and it was like do or die for them, and he was getting ready to shoot and he just crumpled ont he ground and started crying bananafish38: i'm not even kidding, i had that dream!
You know this means the Chronicle has to print the masthead in Carolina blue on Monday.
Online is proud of his DTH graphic :)
Also, can't ever go wrong with fire pics.
Between this, the women's ACC Championship game tomorrow and Taheriazar, it's a lot to squeeze onto front for Monday.
Also: Tears in Heaven. The scoreboard still says Carolina 83, Duke 76. That is not enough. What it should say is this: Too young, too under-talented Carolina 83, senior-dominated, homestanding on senior day for one of their greatest classes ever Duke 76. There is not room on the scoreboard for all of that. That should be fixed. Immediately.
There's gotta be a better way to encourage discussion about the 2nd amendmant than to raffle off a freaking AK-47!!!
Michigan teacher gets in trouble when a group of students produce a documentary on My Space because of offensive images, songs, and etc. Welcome to the reality of 60 mil kids on My Space.
Official state pie or not, that shit is crazy delicious. Also, quote of the week: "Stansel gave up, saying there's too many other things to worry about besides pie."
Jon Stewart being a smartass on Larry King's show last week. Would you expect any less? (7-min clip.) ("Yeah, I want things to corrode to the point where we're all living in huts.")
Rob this black belt and he'll rock your shit ... right out the door and across the parking lot. And then capture your license plate with his camera phone when you flee the scene. Respek.
When i first read about this, three things came to mind: 1. Sharks with freakin' laser beams on their heads. 2. "Deep Blue Sea" 3. The dolphins in "The Life Aquatic."
It's actually a very cool idea. Although when you google image search "shark laser beams," this is the first result. WTF. I'm not sure when we fast-forwarded evolution to the point where sharks grow limbs.