Lookit that shit! Seriously. Look at it. That is awesome.
I love this crazy, crazy ass show. First the blast doors come down for undetermined reasons, and then we get blacklights and multicolor dayglo doodling on the door? How in the hell? Of course it's the classic Lost move of "introduce more questions than answers," but this is particularly awesome for two reasons.
1. It proves that the previous hatch-patch kids were at least trying to piece together information about what's going on. (Thanks to the diligent work of people on the Internets, there are already pics floating around with larger text of what was written on the door.)

Because that's always been my biggest complaint about the show: nobody tells each other important information, and NO ONE asks enough questions.
-- Mr. Ecko has a face off with the magical mystery smoke monster? I'm pretty sure no one except for him and charlie know about that.
-- Jack & co. meet an unhospitable gang of others and no one even bothers to ask the "others" who they are and why they're on the island? Seriously?!
-- Claire and Kate run around in the jungle and find a THIRD hatch with all sorts of creepy stuff. Did they bother to divulge when they got back? I don't think so.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the type of people i work/hang out with. But i really think they should at least be having daily meetings.
If jack is really serious about raising a formidable army -- he needs to buck up, right the fuck now. In light of the fact that henry gale stole a dead man's identity, i think it's finally time for island jack to go jack bauer on that dude and beat the information out of him -- it's time to get organized, NOW.
Get everybody together once a day.
Find out if anything weird is going on.
Make sure you're all on the same page.
Case in point: Sun is pregnant. You know the others are interested in babies. Tell everyone to be quiet about it because they know the others can spy on them.
Now i'm sure that if i was on that island i'd be the annoying girl asking too many questions, but come on. There's a lot of shit going down and they need to get together and organize. That's what the hatch guys did ... and i'm not sure if it actually got them anywhere ...but they at least were being productive. And it's provided for a very, very neat subplot.
2. (Oh yes, there is still a two.)
Ok. So far we know these kids have:
-- a ton of records
-- blacklights
-- apparently supplies to blacklight-write with
-- a ton of heroin.
It's time for a serious party. HATCH RAVE!
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