Saturday, December 10, 2005

Gargling salt water is quite underrated

Take a look at this poor giraffe's face. That's exactly how i feel right now. Cough, cough. Miserable, really. Although i've thoroughly convinced myself it's not strep, thanks to Google and that fact that there are no white spots and no swollen glands.

I suppose that maybe i should take this in stride as the jump start to the "Christmas Family Vacation Break in the Keys quit-smoking-a-thon 2005."

Going cold turkey seems to be the way to go, seeing as how i definitely cannot afford nicotine patches, nor should i consider myself that serious of a smoker. although i'm afraid of how serious it really is. I've never really tried before, since I can be quite flighty and never made a true dedicated effort that lasted more than a week. It'll be tough to do the beer-sans-cigs thing, but ... i doubt i'll be drinking much on the family vaca, so at least i can distance myself from it for a while.


Fun things:

Cute! So cute. (Even though his hair looks like he just rolled out of bed.)

Lost's Naveen Andrews and Maggie Grace were at a "Breakout Stars" awards thing for Hollywood Life Magazine earlier in the week. Maggie -- who played Shannon and was KILLED OFF "Lost" in October -- won an award! Take that, writers.

She's lovely, and they seem like fun people, and I'm unhealthily obsessed with the show. I miss her charac too, but she's testing the waters for film, starting with "The Fog." We'll see where she goes. Also, by killing her off, they ensured that they wouldn't have to bother with having Boone back for any more flashbacks. 2 birds, one stone. Too bad he was the hottest charac on the show. (and hi, i'm 14 and apparently renewing my subscription to Tiger Beat.

---Procrasti-NATION Links. Because you're obviously not studying.---

1. Jimmy Kimmel spoofs "Trapped in the Closet."

2. Justin reminded me the other day about... Redubbed GI Joe cartoons! Body Massage, PORKCHOP SANDWICHES and "give him the stick...don't give him the stick!" have always been the best.

3. Reagan Smash.

4. Optical illusion like whoa.

5. I can't help it. I'm absolutely, ridiculously, jumping-on-the-couch in love with Dinosaur Comics.

6. WikiQuote has put together a whole buncha Mitch Hedberg quotes for your perusal.
My personal favorite: I like baked potatoes, man. I don't have a microwave oven, and it takes forever to cook a baked potato in a conventional oven. Sometimes I'll just throw one in there, even if I don't want one, because by the time it's done ... who knows?



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