Monday, October 31, 2005

We heart Philip McFee

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Something NOT to do for Halloween

There's no lack of haunted houses in the area if you feel like driving, but i'm sure that none of them are as good as the ones in Charlotte.

Anyway, there's this place out near Siler City called Devil's Tramping Ground. I went with some friends 2 summers ago, since we were all bored and it seemed like a good idea. It would have been an even better idea to look up the place on the internets bc the pictures prove to be less than bone chilling. So we piled in the car, drove out there, and crept down scary country roads looking for the place. We finally found it, even though there was no marker like the directions said there would be.

We saw a fire through the trees, and we were a bit freaked out because we weren't expecting anyone else to be out there on a weekday night. Someone made a crack about wanting to avoid any Deliverance-type activity that could be going on in the woods. Justin went to scope it out, and gave us the OK.

Turns out it was just a handful of teenagers, wearing Megadeath T-shirts and smoking weed. The creepy circle of land that was scorched by Lucifer himself was just a ratty pattern of gravel and dead grass.

Terrifying indeed.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"We is dumb, we is dumb as hell."

Meatwad: Oh you gonna love this, boy. Tyrone calls you up, you know, in the game, and he says, "I can dig more clams than you, stupid!" And you've got to say, "Nuh-uh, boy!" And then y'all gotta race down to the beach with your buckets and your shovels. And the object of the game... is... to find parking.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Out of control

I've never been a devout TV watcher. There've been shows that I enjoyed catching on a regular basis, but it was ok if I missed them. Only two shows have ever caused me any sort of mental anguish: Six Feet Under and Lost.

Six Feet Under was easier to deal with because it runs during the summer and somehow that worked better with my schedule. I looked forward to the show every week and always felt some sense of closure when it was over.

Lost is a whole 'nother ball game. I wasn't able to watch it last year, due to the DTH and it running in primetime, but now I've got that time. I'd always heard rave reviews from friends, but I still didn't understand what all the fuss was about. It's just a TV show, right? It can't possibly be that good.

But there's something about it. I've gotten myself caught up on the first season, and second season is already driving me nuts. The writers seem to think that it'll help stretch out the show if they provide more questions than answers.

So you've got 48 people from a ridiculous plane crash stuck on an island that rescuers just can't seem to find, there's a monster that everyone can hear and sounds like a subway but no one can see, except you sometimes see black smoke whirling around when it's uprooting trees.

There's polar bears, sharks, people stealing pregant ladies and abducting children and an underground bunker safeguarding an(naturally occuring?) electromagnetic force manned by some crazy guy who has to type a code into an '80s Mac every 108 minutes.

The premise makes absolutely no sense and sounds like the ramblings of a bunch of stoned high school students, but there's something addictive about it. Maybe it's because I've never paid attention before, but people on the internets are freaking out over Lost. Chat groups, places to discuss theories, handfuls of different "unofficial" fan site with episode transcripts and hundreds of screen caps from EVERY episode. Out.Of.Control. Yet I'm still hooked, and pissed that they're running two reruns already due to the world series, and no new Lost until November.

Point of all this? None really, but you should watch the show. :P

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


tee hee. :D there's this great site where you can make a template of a goofy quaker guy laughing and saying something ridiculous. make your own silly one here:

if you don't get it, then you didn't read this article on McCants.

here's the context, but you should read the whole thing. :)

MINNEAPOLIS — Near the end of his first official practice with the Minnesota Timberwolves on Tuesday, Rashad McCants faced a predicament.

His team for a half-court scrimmage had seven players, but only five could be on the floor at once. McCants decided to show off his humility and offered to sit out first in his group. He is no longer a star. He now has to defer, rather than be deferred to.

“It’s OK,” McCants said as he stepped off the court. “I’m the rookie.”

“That don’t mean shit,” shot back superstar forward Kevin Garnett, who was playing on the opposing team.

“Rookie wanna play a lot.”


ok. gonna try this sleep thing again.

Monday, October 17, 2005

so succexy

Ms. Emily Haynes, courtesy of Brandon from the Metric show at the Cradle last Monday. Good times. You should also check out the new CD, Live It Out.

Attacked by Christmas toys. That's strange, that's the second toy complaint we've had.

Find out my dog, Shadow, is going to be put to sleep. Crying ensues. All. Day. Long. Go to work, still upset, only to find that I was not granted fall break off work. Even though i requested that shit WAY in advance. Fuckers. No road trip with Justin and Evan to Yale for me. Same job also responsible for me missing Midnig---oh, wait, LATE NIGHT with Roy, since, know... it wasn't at midnight. Bastards threw me off.

Find out my dog, Shadow, ISN'T getting put to sleep. Apparently she had some weird stomach thing that was making her ridiculously sick but they can give her some medicine and she'll be ok. Word from the home front is that she's already back to her crazy-ass self.

Go to work and then Katie and I hit up Michelle's halloween shindig in G-boro. Her apt is really nice and I like her cat. :) Fun is had, silly drinks are made and "scary" movies are watched. "Reanimator" was hilarious, but the infamous "severed head performing oral sex" scene was really disturbing. "The Nightmare Before Christmas" is still one of my all time favorite movies.

Work, bought a new fish to eat the algae in my tank. Haven't thought of a name yet. Went and saw "Waiting for Godot" (Lab! Theatre) with Amy. It was good, and if anyone has time in between their 18 exams on Monday or Tuesday, they should go.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

As summer slips into fall

Leftover pics from the samurai sword watermelon cutting ceremony!

Oh, how I love these boys.